Size L Ice Bag Ice Pocket

Size L Ice Bag Ice Pocket

Size L Ice Bag Ice Pocket

Size L Ice Bag Ice Pocket

Size L Ice Bag Ice Pocket

Size L Ice Bag Ice Pocket

Size L Ice Bag Ice Pocket

Size L Ice Bag Ice Pocket

Our team has developed this ice bag so that you can soothe and reduce pain by applying cold after an injury or during a rest.

A watertight, flexible bag. Size large (22 cm diameter)

We've all taken a bit of a battering at some point when playing contact sports (football, rugby, handball, etc.) and combat sports.Applying cold to the injury soothes it and reduces the pain. It is recommended if you suffer and impact, sprain, bruising, dislocation, swelling, etc.Our ice bag is watertight and bendable, and easy to fill with ice cubes and water.The wide opening makes it quick to fill with ice cubes.Its material, large size and shape make it suitable for joints and muscles.

Instructions for use

Apply to the injured area for 15 to 20 minutes.Tip: dampen the outside of the bag to better distribute the cold.

CE marking

The CE marking (in force since 1993) is the main indicator that the product complies with EU legislation and allows free movement within the European market

This ice bag is quick to fill with ice cubes and water. It can be easily applied to any injured area. Multi-purpose Size large (22 cm diameter)

Fresh feel

The bag lets you apply cold to the injured area. Reusable.

Ease of use

The wide opening makes it easy to insert ice cubes. Can be used immediately.

Milled Fennel

Its shape lets you apply cold to any joint or muscle.

Our team has developed this ice bag so that you can soothe and reduce pain by applying cold after an injury or during a rest.

 / 5

Regular price

QAR 45.00

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